電話:86-530 8398999
地址:山東省菏澤市牡丹區安興鎮 安皇路萬成服裝廠南鄰
聯系我們本機是一款高速加圈空貼生產線,為解決目前市場生產采用人工貼片,生產 效率低,產品合格率低等問題。結合我司現有技術進行獨立研發,設備運行 穩定,電腦全程監測。可要適用于三伏貼、三九貼、肚臍貼、腹瀉貼、頸椎
This machine is a high - speed add circle patch production line. In order to solve the current market production, the use of artificial patch manually,low production efficiency, low product qualification rate and other problems. combined with our existing technology, independent research and development, The equipment runs stably and the computer monitors the whole process. Can be applied to medical patch production.
Each material unwinding device and each waste collection device are controlled by magnetic powder tension system.
Each teeding section and cutting section uses the motion control system of well-known brands at home and abroad, Electrical software programming, Automatic phase adjustment during operation.Touch screen visualization.
(3)模具采用高速鋼加工,壽命長、更換模具方便,輸入對應參數即可生產 High - speed steel mold processing, long life, easy to replace the die, input the corresponding parameters can be produced.
The production efficiency of the equipment is high, and the speed can reach 0-200pieces/min, The operation only needs 1 person.
The equipment is equipped with the function of automatic stop of missing materials and abnormal alarm of working position.
The equipment has the function of counting the output of products and
counting the delivery of finished products.
(7)詳細參數配置Main Technical Parameters: